The St. Mary´s Child and Mother Health Care Clinic operates as an interface between the rural villages around Bolpur and the city region. It is open for the Santal people, specially for malnourished and anemic children, children with infections and with neurological conditions. Also for pregnant women, or TB suspected individuals. Patients are admitted for preventive checkups, diagnostic and treatment, and, if necessary, are fully guided to specialized health facilities with subsequent monitoring to assure full recovery.
Our Health Care Clinic has a laboratory for diverse analysis equipped with:
Blood and urine examinations or the Mantoux test are also conducted. Sputum is collected and analyzed in another health department.
In our Health Care Clinic we have an IPD with 5 beds, where we offer stationary health care for children with:
In our OPD we treat mainly malnourished children with infections like diarrhea, bronchitis and pneumonia. Furthermore, children with neurological disorders and TB infected children (non-pulmonary) receive medical care. Dressing for skin infections or burns is also provided.
We offer consultations from:
We conduct newborn checkups five times per year. Through these, we can timely identify, diagnose and treat malformations such as heart defects, cleft lip and palate, hernias, and chronic diseases.
As part of these checkups we also give iron and vitamin D supplementation to all newborns. As a result we can decrease the physiological hemoglobin drop that causes anemia in the first three months of life, giving newborns a chance to a healthy start in life.
Our health workers identify pregnant women in the 12 program villages and invite them to our clinic where they get an ultrasound and blood tests, aditionally the are also provided with iron and folic acid supplementation to ensure a healthy uterine growth.
They also receive training on family planning, if they are interested in the topic.
We offer regular PAP-smears in order to timely detect cervix cancer.
Malnourished children are admitted to our clinic where they participate in the rehabilitation program. They receive 5 nutrient-dense meals per day, as well as nutritious moringa cookies, baked in our health clinic, as supplementation.
Their mothers receive education on topics like malnutrition, anemia, emergency signs, hygiene and child care.
We measure and evaluate the results of our rehabilitation program according to WHO recommendations: malnourished children should gain 5 grams per kg/day.
Our social and health workers are constantly trained to guide mothers and teach them on topics like family planning, nutrition, emergency signs, and child care.
We believe that knowledge is power, so we use every opportunity to teach women and children during their stay at our health clinic.
Besides the care our patients receive at our Health Care Clinic, if they need to be transferred to specialized hospitals in Bolpur or Kolkata, we bring them and accompany them through the whole process. We also guide and help them through their long term treatments.
All these medical services are for the poor and free of cost. We help the patients with guidance for the use of government schemes they are entitled to like the Swasthya Sathi Scheme (SSS), for patients with cardiological conditions and with lip cleft.