Charitable Trust, Bolpur, West Bengal
Shining Eyes India intertwines different spheres of action: health, nutrition and agriculture, in order to achieve a self-sufficient and healthy life for every Santal family. The focus is on the most vulnerable ones: newborns, infants, pregnant and lactating women.
“We are guilty of many errors and many faults, but our worst crime is abandoning the children, neglecting the foundation of life. Many of the things we need can wait. The child cannot. Right now is the time his bones are being formed, his blood is being made and his senses are being developed. To him we cannot answer “Tomorrow”. His name is “Today”. Gabriela Mistral, 1948
The St. Mary´s Child and Mother Health Care Clinic operates as an interface between the rural villages and the city region. It is open for the Santal people, specially for malnourished, anemic, infectious and neurological patients, pregnant women, or TB suspected individuals. Patients are admitted for preventive checkups, diagnostic and treatment, and if necessary are fully guided to specialized health facilities with subsequent monitoring to assure full recovery.
We train health workers and social worker who are closely linked to the community to provide awareness in relevant health topics and continuous support to villagers.
We provide interactive awareness trainings in topics like breastfeeding, complementary feeding, healthy family diet, hygiene, how to recognize sickness in the child, how to prevent TB to spread, family planning and agricultural aspects. Further, we do active cooking sessions inside the household and provide community-based feeding programs. We distribute supplementary food to all children aged below 2 years "NutriMix" (roasted wheat-lentil powder with sugar, milk, oil enriched with vegetables and fruits from the kitchen garden) and older ones when being severely wasted & we offer long-term iron therapy to all children below 2 years and older ones when Hb<10g/dl (moderate/severe anemia).
We guide the establishment of kitchen gardens with a variety of vegetables and fruits for all Santal families, we promote crop-rotation, and cultivation of Moringa oleifera and Amaranthus tricolor as key plants for achieving dietary diversity and enriching community-feeding interventions.
Step by step we want to change food habits, improve hygiene habits and stabilize the health of children and mothers.
AWARENESS is the key to sustainability
Interactive mother trainings at household level and teaching sessions in a variety of health and nutrition related topics directly inside the community are at the core of this development work. Mothers learn how to prepare healthy food for their malnourished or anemic children. Further teaching sessions are offered to health workers, inpatient women, and surrounding villagers directly in the preventive health care clinic.